Friday, May 3, 2013

A Soggy Vacation

Greetings from waterlogged Key West, Florida.  
We are here for the Songwriters Festival.  Yesterday Key West got 11 inches of rain.  Unfortunately most of the venues are outside or in open air cafes so many events were rained out.  
There are over 100 songwriters and musicians in town and bands playing everywhere.  The events start again today at noon but unfortunately that's about the time the rains are supposed to start again today.  The rain finally stopped around 5:00 yesterday and the floods drained off and things dried up by evening.  We heard a couple of great bands last night.  Hopefully things will be a little better today.  

Hope things are a little drier where you are!


  1. Oh Linda! So sorry to see all the precipitation but hoping you are still finding joy in Key West. We always say "there's no bad day at the beach!" Key West is on my Bucket List... Take care and thanks for sharing. Hugs, Yvonne

  2. What a shame Linda, but at least from the photos it looks as if it is wet but warm... Here it's wet but only about 48 degrees! (What's this about Spring???) Hope you still can enjoy the bands and the ambiance and hopefully conditions will improve!

  3. Oh Linda, so sorry for you and all the bands...we were in Key West 1.5 years ago, so I know how it have to look like...we have always thought that the sun is always shining in Florida???
    Here in the Netherlands it is getting somewhat warmer finally.
    Hope the weather will be better today!
    xxx Margreet

  4. Oh, how sad for the festival, and for all those flooded by the rains. Do hope that you get to hear some more music, and that you're staying on higher ground!
    Alison xx

  5. I am so sorry that your vacation is filled with so much rain! Hopefully tomorrow will be better! It is hot and dry and fires out this way!

  6. I feel so sorry Linda for you , when you have taken some time away and for all those poor people hugs trace x

  7. Ach du meine Güte, soviel Wasser, wie schade.
    Und hier regnet es nicht.
    Verkehrte Welt.

    Liebe Grüße und Umarmung
    von Sophie xx


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