Sunday, May 15, 2011

Pay It Forward

Have you heard of the sweet project called Pay it Forward?  It's something so simple yet overflowing with inspiration, generosity and delight.  I recently discovered it while visiting my friend Abby's blog and was amazingly fortunate to comment in time to be one of the recipients of her dazzling shabby work.  Here is the lovely handmade sachet she gifted me with.  

So you are probably wondering what this is all about.  It's really quite simple.  The first five people to comment on this post will receive a handmade gift from me.  It will be some of my vintage/shabby chic work, projects that I already have made or will make in the next few weeks.  

In return, you must also post about Pay It Forward and send a handmade gift to the first five visitors who comment on your post.  Isn't this a most wonderful way to connect with our crafting sisters in blogland?

You can take your time.  They don't all have to be sent today or tomorrow.  It's not the size or value of the gift, but the lovely spirit of Pay it Forward.  And just a little way for me to show my heartfelt gratitude for all the amazing readers and to those who leave such lovely and encouraging comments!


  1. What a great idea. I would love to take part.
    Hugs, Clare x

  2. Wow that really nice of you . Thank you!!!!!

  3. Hiya Linda,

    what a great idea i have heard about this before and would love to take part please.


  4. I would LOVE to participate!
    Thank you!!

  5. Awe!!! looks like I'm too late Linda, never mind, maybe another time. Great idea though.
    Suzi x

  6. Love the idea - hope to get in on it next time, but might use it on my blog anyway -just for the pleasure of it!

  7. Hi Linda, Abby here! I'm so glad you received my PIF gift. I hope it brings you big smiles:) There are some lucky ladies receiving your beautiful work!



  8. Too late, cool idea. Shari (cricutrookie)

  9. I love the idea. I don't have a blog but am working on it now. Maybe it will still be going by the time I get mine up. What a pleasant surprise to receive something in the mail like that.

  10. What a great idea... looks like I am too late, but I am going to do something special for a few people anyway. Thanks for the challenge.

  11. Great idea, keep seeing it around on the blogs but I'm always too late. Sounds great fun.

  12. Waaaaaaaaaaahhhh! I'm too late! Like my mom always says, "a day late and a dollar short!"


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